Featured designer

After completing her studies as a graphic designer, Catharina Bossaert discovered her vocation in the fashion world. From Ghent, her home base, she flourished as a designer of women’s and children’s collections, specialising in knitwear. Parallel to her career in fashion, she sought to deepen her efforts by following courses as a sculptor and ceramist. With a rich experience as a fashion designer for own brands and renowned labels, such as Maison Tricot and Fred & Ginger, Bossaert is now gradually transforming into a hybrid designer and creator. A temporary move from Ghent to Copenhagen in 2020 proved to be a crucial turning point. This change pushed her towards a new path, driven by the urge to understand techniques better and expand her design and manufacturing process. Over the past three years in Copenhagen, she has followed various training courses and workshops that were closely related to her passions: textiles and spatial work. Bossaert’s autonomous creations have regularly been given a stage at exhibitions in both Belgium and the Netherlands. In 2023, teetrovetrend acclaimed her work during the design competition, organised in collaboration with Weekend Knack, which earned her an honourable mention as laureate.
